Invited speakersEllen Clarke (All Souls College, Oxford University, UK) Steven
French (University of Leeds, UK) Peter Godfrey-Smith (City University of New York, USA) Alexandre Guay (University of Burgundy, France, researcher at IHPST in 2011-2012, and associated researcher at the CIRST, Canada) James Ladyman (Bristol University, UK) Jonathan E. Lowe (Durham University, UK) Matteo Morganti (Roma 3 University, Italie) Samir Okasha (Bristol University, UK) Thomas Pradeu (Paris-Sorbonne University, IHPST & IUF, France) Simon Saunders (University of Oxford, UK) Participants in the round table: available invited speakers + Décio Krause (Federal University of Santa Catarina, Brazil) Claudine Tiercelin (Collège de France) - president of the round table