Individuals Across Sciences: a revisionary metaphysics?
18-20 May 2012 Paris (France)

Talks > Chen Ruey-Lin

Sunday 20
Ontological Realization of Individuality in Experimental Sciences - Ruey-Lin Chen, Department of Philosophy, National Chung Cheng University
Chairperson: Alexandre Guay (université de Bourgogne)
› 9:30 - 10:00 (30min)
Ontological Realization of Individuality in Experimental Sciences
Ruey-Lin Chen  1@  
1 : Department of Philosophy, National Chung Cheng University

This paper discusses the ontological realization of individuality – the production of individuals predicted by scientific theories.  Ontological realization refers to the processes by which scientists produce new phenomena, entities, and individuals by means of experimental techniques and instruments. Experimental production of individuals implies a conception of individuality that is different from those found in the metaphysical literature, a conception that is ripe for philosophical development and analysis.  I address two main questions: (1) What counts as an individual in experimental sciences? and (2) Under what conditions can scientists be said to realize the individuality of an object? By examining the creation of Bose-Einstein Condensates in experimental physics and the modification of genes in genetic engineering, I will suggest a conception of manipulative individuality in experimental science and identify its three realization conditions: manipulability, separability, and maintenance of structural unity.  Ontological realization is complementary to the “ontological commitment” that is traditionally regarded as a core element of general metaphysics. Experimental realizations provide the strongest evidence for the theoretical commitments that scientists have to the ontological structure of world because theories themselves may be mistaken. Ontological realization via manipulative individuality has far-reaching ramifications for metaphysical discussions of individuality. 

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