Characterizing individuals: the role of the formal
1 : Federal University of Santa Catarina
CNRS : UMR5798, Université Sciences et Technologies - Bordeaux I
2 : Department of Philosophy, Federal University of the South Frontier
* : Corresponding author
Campus Chapecó, Chapecó - SC -
How might one reconcile the local aspects of the study of individuality present in the metaphysical study of scientific theories with the global demands of traditional metaphysics? One may see a relationship by considering that the ontological work on scientific theories encodes ontological presuppositions of a general character induced by the metamathematical framework employed to render rigorous the formulation of the theory. We hold that scientifically guided study of individuality brings some often overlooked presuppositions hidden in the formal apparatus underlying scientific theories. Indeed, practically all of contemporary discussion employ without further justification classical logic and set theory (ZFC). This choice of the underlying formal apparatus may commit us with a theory of identity which may be seen as encompassing an ontology of individuals: within such a framework, every entity is an individual, in the sense of having precise identity conditions. Thus, attempts to consider non-individuals or merely discernible entities fail by fiat. Other non-classical set theories such as quasi-set theory, on the other hand, may leave those presuppositions behind (although commits itself with other ones). The choice between the preferable set theory (or formal apparatus in general) to deal with a theory is seen as expressing general ontological commitments.